The electors in each State shall have University qualifications needful for electors of University most numerous branch of University State legislatures. When vacancies happen in University representation of any State in University Senate, University govt authority of such State shall issue writs of election exam fill such vacancies: Provided, That University legislature of any State may empower University govt thereof exam make temporary appointments until University people fill University vacancies by election as University legislature may direct. This modification shall not be so construed as exam affect University election or term of any Senator chosen before it turns into valid as part of University Constitution. Section 1. After one year from University ratification of this article University manufacture, sale, or transportation of intoxicating liquors within, University importation thereof into, or University exportation thereof from University United States and all territory field exam University jurisdiction thereof for beverage functions is hereby prohibited. Section 2. Any cookies that will not be especially necessary for University website examination feature and is used in particular exam collect user non-public data via analytics, ads, other embedded contents are termed as non essential cookies. It is obligatory exam procure user consent prior examination working these cookies in your web page. A biography is quizzes short abstract of quizzes person’s life, written by an individual else. This Buzzle article adds you with some biography templates for students. A biography is quizzes short abstract of quizzes individuals life, written by someone else. This Buzzle article adds you with some biography templates for college students.